Dr. Richard Land is President of the Southern Evangelical Seminary and Executive Editor of The Christian Post. Formerly, Dr. Land served as President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. In 2001, Dr. Land was appointed to serve on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom by President George W. Bush and was subsequently reappointed to three additional terms of service through 2012. In 2007, The Richard Land Center for Cultural Engagement was established by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where Dr. Land is a Visiting Professor. In 2010, Dr. Land received the Phillip E. Johnson Award for Liberty and Truth from Biola University. He has also received The Champions of Justice Award, which is presented by the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. Dr. Land is a well-respected commentator on issues concerning religion, politics, history, and culture, and has appeared in thousands of interviews in major media outlets over the course of his career.