Macario Schettino

Economist, Political Analyst

Dr. Macario Schettino was professor at El Colegio de México and at Tec de Monterrey, where he was Dean of Research and Doctoral Programs. He has also been a member of Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, a governmental agency established in Mexico in 1984 to promote both the quantity and quality of research in Mexico, especially in the sciences. Dr. Schettino appears once a week in Dinero y Poder on the TV channel Canal 11. Formerly, Dr. Schettino was General Coordinator of Planning for the Mexico City government, and was an advisor for business associations, political parties, and governments of all levels. He has written ten books about Mexico’s economic, political and social environment, and ten textbooks on similar matters. He holds a BA in Chemical Engineering, an MA in Economics, and a PhD in Business and ABD in History.

Post-COVID, A Large Increase in Inflation May Be Coming
Macario Schettino & Tim Congdon
May 24, 2020