Dr. Deirdre N. McCloskey is the Distinguished Professor of Economics, History, English, and Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Trained at Harvard as an economist, she has written sixteen books and edited seven more, and has published some 360 articles on economic theory, economic history, philosophy, rhetoric, feminism, ethics, and law. She taught for twelve years in the Economics Department at the University of Chicago, and describes herself as a “literary, quantitative, postmodern, free-market, progressive-Episcopalian, ex-Marxist, Midwestern woman from Boston who was once a man. Not ‘conservative’! I’m a Christian classical liberal." She is well known for her three-part book series The Bourgeois Era, as well as for The Rhetoric of Economics (1985) and Crossing: A Memoir (1999), the latter of which was a New York Times Notable Book.