Frances Coppola

Economics & Finance Writer

Ms. Frances Coppola writes about finance and economics, with a focus on banks. Although she originally trained as a musician and singer, she worked in banking for 17 years and did an MBA at Cass Business School in London, where she specialized in financial risk management. Ms. Coppola is the author of the “Coppola Comment” finance and economics blog, which is a regular feature on the Financial Times’s Alphaville blog and has been quoted in The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and more. She is a frequent finance commentator for the BBC, and is the author most recently of The Case For People's Quantitative Easing (2019). She still sings and teaches, because after all there is more to life than finance.

Why Cryptocurrency Matters
Frances Coppola & Min Teo
March 15, 2021