Arnold Kling


Arnold Kling is an economist. He blogs daily at In My Tribe on Substack and is a Senior Affiliated Scholar with the Mercatus Center. Early in his career, he worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board and Freddie Mac. In 1994, Kling started one of the first commercial enterprises on the web, a company called, which he sold in 1999 to After selling Homefair, Kling took up teaching and writing. He has made fifteen appearances on the popular economics podcast EconTalk. His most recent book is called The Three Languages of Politics (2017).

Will digital technologies kill the nation state?
Tomas Pueyo & Arnold Kling
January 4, 2022
Decentralize Everything?
Arnold Kling & Zvi Mowshowitz
February 10, 2021
Should the Economy Be Placed into “Hibernation” Until the Lockdowns End?
Einat Wilf & Arnold Kling
April 6, 2020