Bob Sassone has been a writer and editor since the 1980s. He does a weekly column for The Saturday Evening Post, and has written for Esquire, USA Today, Vulture, The AV Club, The Boston Herald, McSweeney’s, and other places. He was the editor of AOL’s TV Squad and writer for their film, food, and advertising sites. In the ’80s, he wrote a weekly column for a small group of local papers, and in the ’90s he was a columnist for Cape Ann Weekly and an editor at Tripod. With friends he published the music zine RPM from 1990-91, and from 1995-2000 he published the TV zine Channel Surfer Journal. He created Professor Barnhardt’s Journal, is a contributing editor to The Sunday Long Read, and is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. He started his personal site in 1996 and was one of the web’s first bloggers.