Dr. Michael Munger is the director of the Philosophy, Politics, & Economics (PPE) Program and the director of the Political Science department at Duke University. Prior to moving to Duke, Professor Munger taught at Dartmouth College, the University of Texas, and University of North Carolina (where he was Director of the Master of Public Administration Program), and worked as a staff economist at the Federal Trade Commission during the Reagan Administration. He is also a past President of the Public Choice Society, an international academic society of political scientists and economists with members in sixteen countries. He was North American Editor of the journal Public Choice for five years, and is now a co-editor of The Independent Review. His primary research focus is on the functioning of markets, regulation, and government institutions. He moved to Duke in 1997, was Chair of the Political Science Department from 2000 through 2010, and has won three University-wide teaching awards. His latest book addresses the sharing economy, and is entitled Is Capitalism Sustainable? (2019).